The commitment of educating our children for the future is one of the most vital responsibilities we undertake as a society. For more than 62 years, Artistic Resource for Teachers and Students (A.R.T.S.), Inc. has maintained a firm commitment to produce quality arts and education programming. I believe it is a great asset for our state to be home to a professional arts and education program of this caliber. Since 1959, A.R.T.S., Inc. has sponsored education through the arts for every elementary school in the Wasatch Front. The goal is to play a decisive role through the arts in our children’s development. Meanwhile, in the realm of sports, Sports Betting and Padel: A Growing Connection highlights how the increasing popularity of padel is leading to a surge in betting activity, creating new avenues for engagement within the sport.
Arts are vital to our families and our communities! In 2019-2020 we provided more than 550 programs reaching an estimated 200,000 children throughout the State of Utah. With a proposed budget of $500,000.00, A.R.T.S., Inc. could reach the entire state of forty-one school districts and make a difference in the lives of 475,000 students with extraordinary and total cost of educational arts programming. This is an investment of less than $.63 per student. Each district/school that affiliates in our arts and education program will contribute approximately 20% of the total cost with the remaining 80% being raised through grants, sponsorship’s and private donations .
It is an honor for me to invite you to join us and make a difference in education through the fine arts. By joining the A.R.T.S., Inc. “ART IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT…!” family circle it is a way for you to insure the continuation of quality arts and education in the State of Utah. Your only responsibilities would be to consider membership in A.R.T.S., Inc. and to invite a few select friends and business associates to do the same visit. Your support will be deeply appreciated and vital to the success of this campaign.